Get Messages From Archived Mailbox aka In-Place Archive Using Graph API

Get Messages From Archived Mailbox aka In-Place Archive Using Graph API

Simple instruction on how to get messages from the archived mailbox (aka in-place archive) using Microsoft Graph API. You will learn how to use well-known folder names to access data in the exchange server mailboxes without using long and clumsy ids. Graph API is a powerful tool to query data from Office 365. Learn how to utilize its features and make your life simpler.

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Blazor - It's Time to Forget JavaScript

Blazor - It's Time to Forget JavaScript

Blazor - build interactive, modular, and fast front-end applications in C#. Now you can finally forget about JavaScript and start using .net infrastructure to run your C# code in the browser. You can share classes, logic, and components between the backend and frontend. Try it now and you will never want to go back to JS.

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[Решение] Ошибка "The ‘Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0′ provider is not registered on the local machine"


Причины проблемы: Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0 драйвер имеет две версии: x86 и x64. Эти две версии не могут быть установленные одновременно, соответственно если ваше .net приложение собирается под AnyCPU то в случае 64 битной системы оно будет пытаться использовать 64 драйвер, и наоборот. Решение: - В Configuration Manager установите сборку приложения под x86 платформу (BUILD > Configuration > Active > Solution > Platform > x86) - Установите x86 драйвер Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0 Альтер...

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